Farfa Kinowt

break the wine glass and fall toward the glass blowers breath

Thursday, August 03, 2006

My child has taken over my computer.

Wow, it's been a while since I've been on the computer. I just set up a MySpace for my daughter, Jenna, and she's hogging it. Guess it's time for her own computer.

Speaking of MySpace.........I have a gripe. I've been hearing a lot of parents getting their panties in a bunch over MySpace and the safety issues involved and here's MY opinion on the matter. I don't allow my child to go anywhere or do anything without checking it out first and knowing how to check up on her during whatever the activity is. Why are all these parents letting their children on a computer and allowing them to have free reign without having access to their MySpace profile and their sign on information so they can check up on it? My friend has 2 teenage boys and has no idea how to even get on their MySpace. Not me. I set that shit up for my daughter and the day that I can't, at any time, sign on like I'm her and see what she's been doing and who she's been in contact with is the day she no longer has the privilege of having one. MySpace is not the problem. If they shut it down, the children would still be out there on the internet chatting. At least with MySpace, they are in a central location where we have the ability to check in on them. The real problem is the parents who never bother to get involved with what their children are into and then, when something bad happens, they blame someone else. I even made my own MySpace so I can check in on my friends' kids and I'm one of their top 8 friends on most of them. I want to know what they're up to and who is commenting to them and what they are saying. I want to know they are being cautious and safe by not posting personal information. I want to read the bulletins they are reading because I CARE about them and their teen age world and I don't understand parents who don't. 'Nuff said on the matter.


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