American Idol
WHAT THE HELL was up with the American Idol Judges tonight? Telling that poor Elliot boy what a great job he did, leading him on like that? After he chain saw massacred that beautiful song. Ella Enchanted sang it better than he did. It's fucking Cruel, let him go home already. Maybe he can get a gig singing elevator music. And WTF's up with the judges' lack of comments for Paris. That little chick can SING and they should have gotten off their dumb asses and acknowledged it. I get what Paula Abdul's problem is... Anyone who heard her sing in the 80's knows she's tone deaf, but what about the other 2? They're all funking FIRED!!! Yes, I said FUNK, as in they STINK!!! I rarely talk to my television but I was hella screamin' tonight, jumpin' up and down, firing judges and shit. The kids were scared, AH took cover and all 3 cats went running. Come on, America, get Elliot the HELL off my TV set. It was fun and all and he may be a great person but his time is up. I did NOT pay my Dish bill to see his shit STILL in the competition at this point. I'm a singer so I get all kinds of fired up on American Idol. I wanted to jump through the TV and take my turn. Yep, my happy butt gets up on the Karaoke stage and ROCKS the place. I got fans all over town. They stop me in the mall, I swear it. Yeah, I know what you're thinkin'... and you just MAY see my ass on A.I. next season 'cus I SURE as hell can sing better than Elliot and Taylor. No offense to Taylor's fans, if it was supposed to be a personality contest then yeah, YOU GO BOY 'cus I like the guy too but COME ON. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Paula in Vancouver, my friend and Taylor fan, please don't beat me up for saying that. I take it all back, honest.
Paula in Vancouver, my friend and Taylor fan, please don't beat me up for saying that. I take it all back, honest.
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