Farfa Kinowt

break the wine glass and fall toward the glass blowers breath

Sunday, April 09, 2006

I'm FAT so I'm on a diet

I'm not actually THAT fat. Okay, maybe I am but I get told that I carry it well. Either way, I need to drop about 75 lbs. I figure that would put me in a size 9 and back to my formerly sexy self. Hell, I gotta admit that I'm sexier now than most skinny chicks are but I'm 5'8" and wearing a size 18 in jeans. It's time for a change. And basically, I need to be half my size. I'm using this photo as a before shot. Don't make fun of me, it's Sunday and I don't have any make-up on. The plan: My friend in Vancouver and I are having a weight loss contest that officially started on 4/2/06. Here's the deal, the 1st one to lose 50 lbs pays for a night's accommodations at the coast, (drinks included of course). She's doing the Weight Watchers thing and I'm counting fat grams. We started a week ago today and I'm down 8 lbs so far. Woo Hoo! I started out 234 lbs of flab and my new digital scale says I'm down to 226. I cut out salt too though so I'm sure a lot was water weight. But ya know what? I don't care if it was. My ass is still smaller, my jeans said so when I put them on this morning. I'll post a photo occasionally if I keep shrinking. What I really need to do is get my butt to the gym. My friend has been an exercise maniac this week and I can't let her win. Game on.

AH fell off the wagon last night after 25 days, the Tequila monster got him, and he's drinking beer tonight. Not my problem, I'm not his mom. That's all I have to say about that for now.

School's going good so far, cute computer teacher. He sure beats the Hag I had Fall term that made me cry. Yes, she did and yes, I got her in trouble for it and then told her off. She called me stupid when I asked her a question on an assignment. Very traumatic for one as brilliant as I think I am. And I'm a complete emotional wimp so I had a melt down over it. Hey, mean people make me cry sometimes. Especially people in positions of authority. So, she has since been known only as the Computer Hag and I heard she decided to retire after Fall term. Wonder if it was something I said? Well, good riddins to ya, Hag, you don't deserve to shape the minds of the future. Oh, and Bite Me for making me cry and I still don't accept your lame ass apology so go F yourself.


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